Thursday, November 18, 2010

eBay and Leaps of Faith.

Today I'm sending off a bit of money to a guy in Portland, Oregon, which seems to be like the Lambretta capital of the world or something.  He, in return, is supposed to send me a bottom-half to my head-set.  He appears frequently on scootering forums across the internet, and seems to be well known on the Lambretta scene, so here's hoping he's honest, too.  I've been told the Lambretta scene in general is pretty tight and close, so I'm gonna put some faith into this.  Goooooo faith!

I also found the horncast on eBay, it's 55 euros...which really isn't bad, until you put another 60 euros on top of it for shipping.  As much as I would like to buy it just to have it, it's not in the immediate budget.  Hopefully something closer to home will pop up when I have some funds.  The easter egg hunt continues.

Not much other than that...just happy everyone has been pretty supportive and helpful at this point.  That is of course...except for my favourite Lambrettamist (like a pessimist who focuses on Lambrettas), who I would be truly disappointed in if he had said "wow, that's an awesome idea, way to buy a Lambretta!"

Also, my application to LCUSA has been sent in and paid for, I'm #749!  Just waiting for my swag and forum access now.  :)


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